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Guided tour of the Nordstadt district

Guided tour of the Nordstadt district

If you want to discover Hanover beyond the classic sights, the district tours are an ideal way to experience the different facets of the city. Nordstadt in particular offers an unforgettable experience with its casual and unagitated charm. Surrounded by the historic Christuskirche church, the magnificent Welfenschloss palace and the lively E-Damm, Nordstadt shows its versatile side. Here, cultural highlights mingle with lively everyday culture. It is the interplay between the charm of old buildings, student life and an abundance of small cafés, boutiques and bars that makes this district so special.

Tour details:

  • Dates: Every 1st Friday of the month
  • Start: 5 pm
  • Meeting place: Christ Church
  • Duration: 2 hours
  • Prices: 14 € adults/ 10 € children up to 14 years, pupils & students

Booking and further information:

Secure your place directly online or ask for further details by calling 0511 - 12345 333 or by e-mail: staedtereise@hannover-tourismus.de.

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