Hannover Living: Hannover Living Logo

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Big stadium singing

Start date
6:00 pm

Heinz von Heiden Arena


Robert-Enke-Strasse 3
30169 Hanover

Heinz von Heiden Arena


Robert-Enke-Strasse 3
30169 Hanover

Get your tickets for this event now

...In the Christmas bakery

On Wednesday, 18 December 2024, the event invites you to sing the most beautiful Christmas carols together for the third time. From "O du fröhliche" to "In der Weihnachtsbäckerei", wind players, band and audience will form the largest choir in the city of Hanover.

You can find more information here.


Get your tickets for this event now

Date: 18.12.2024 from 18:00 to 22:00

Location: Heinz von Heiden Arena , Robert-Enke-Straße, 30169 Hanover

Prices: Adults: € 7.00 | Children and young people up to 14 years: € 3.00

