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Krökel Kollaps Cup & regulars' poker table

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Béi Chéz Heinz


Liepmannstr. 7
30453 Hanover

Béi Chéz Heinz


Liepmannstr. 7
30453 Hanover

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Gaming fun in the cellar: Krökeln and poker for everyone


  • Croquet tournament:
    At the so-called KKC [ka'ka'ze'] there is an entry fee of 2€ per person.
    This KRÖKEL tournament is for relaxed non-professionals from Hanover
    designed. REGISTRATIONS please send an e-mail to kkc@einmalallesbitte.de
  • Poker regulars' table:
    Call, fold or raise - these are the essential questions that we answer together with you month after month.
    to look for answers in order to distil poker wisdom from them. Something like...


"It's good to still have chips at the end of the tournament."

The buy-in is 7 Euro, plus 3 Euro Table fee for the hard-working dealers. The buy-ins will be paid out in full.
If you also want to play poker in your favourite cellar, then register with a simple email: poker@beichezheinz.de


You can find more information here.

Get your tickets for this event now

Free admission!

Admission 19:00 || Start 7:30 pm
