Ask Hanno Region - New chatbot from Hannover Marketing & Tourismus GmbH
Hannover Marketing & Tourismus GmbH (HMTG) launched a new AI assistant, "Hanno Region", on its young website in November 2023. implemented as a beta version. Since then, the chatbot has been continuously fed with questions and answers. Hanno Region is now learning with every question, linking his knowledge and has become a fully-fledged employee with "trainee" status. He is currently particularly knowledgeable about the Maschsee Festival, the International Fireworks Competition, tourist information, sightseeing, kiosks and catering. During the pilot phase, HMTG employees in particular regularly exchanged information with Hanno Region - with the aim of continuously improving the quality of his output. He is constantly being developed further and will soon be able to provide information on many other topics. And he is really eager to learn!
The chatbot was developed by by DSaF. Based on a self-developed system, it utilises artificial intelligence technology. The AI bot does not act completely autonomously, but is actively trained - for example, for questions to which it has not yet been able to provide satisfactory answers.
The system analyses a question asked and attempts to deduce the underlying intention in context. Spelling errors are corrected and the probability of potential concerns is calculated. The system is self-learning and is constantly becoming more accurate.
The functionality and range of services are being expanded in line with users' expectations and wishes. Hanno Region currently conducts around 500 virtual dialogues per month. His demeanour is relaxed and friendly.
The chatbot provides answers to questions and topics relating to Hanover in German and English, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This makes Hanno Region a valuable addition to the information provided by the tourist information centre at the train station. Hanno Region is available on the website which in turn is translated into 17 languages by an AI tool.
Hans Nolte, Managing Director of HMTG: "AI has become a key driver of digital transformation in society. This has consequences for the tourism sector. The future of communication in tourism lies in the interaction between humans and artificial intelligence. We benefit from AI innovations. With our implemented AI-generated translation tool, users can find content on translated into 17 languages. The new AI-supported chatbot on the website reduces workload, as Hanno# processes guest enquiries quickly. This increases efficiency in the long term."
Ela Windels
Hanover Marketing & Tourism GmbH
Vahrenwalder Strasse 7
30165 Hanover
Phone: +0049511/123490-26