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Lohnde gravel pond© ©HMTG

Lohnde gravel pond

The Lohnde gravel pond in the Hanover region is a local recreation area that was created from a former gravel quarry. The lake offers a variety of recreational opportunities and is a popular destination for visitors of all ages.

The Kiesteich Lohnde is particularly impressive with its park around the lake, which invites you to recreation and sporting activities such as hiking, running and ball sports - there is even a mini-sand beach on the shore of the Kiesteich. Swimming is also allowed here and provides the right refreshment on hot summer days. The water quality is excellent, so you can swim and dive to your heart's content at the Kiesteich Lohnde.

Further information: Admission to the grounds of the lake is free. There are no parking facilities at the lake. Fishing is not allowed there. The local diving club has permission to dive there. There is no bathing supervision. Bathing at your own risk!


Lohnde gravel pond© ©HMTG
Lars Gerhardts

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Weißer Weg
30926 Seelze

Opening hours

Bathing season 1 June to 31 August
