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Leibniz Tour, Leibniz Tomb, GraveChina Hopson

Leibniz gravesite

The universal scholar Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz himself chose the inscription "OSSA LEIBNITII" - Leibniz's bones. No further words can be found on the simple gravestone on the southern side in front of the chancel of the church in Calenberger Neustadt. In fact, these two words were only added in 1790. The tomb was forgotten for a long time and was only brought to light again during the restoration of the church from 1902 to 1904. The portrait of Leibniz next to his grave was created in 2007 by the Hanoverian artist Prof Rolf-Hermann Geller.

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Rote Reihe 8
30169 Hannover

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There are no opening hours at this location. A visit is possible at any time.