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Hanover Shopping CityChristian Wyrwa

Shopping arcades

Shopping in the city centre

Bahnhofstraße and Georgstraße are among the longest and most popular shopping streets in Germany. Only a few cities in the country offer such a high concentration of shopping opportunities in just a few hundred metres.

Bahnhofstrasse leads directly into the heart of the city centre and is a pedestrian zone laid out on two levels. The Niki de Saint Phalle Promenade extends along the "basement" level. The Ernst-August-Galerie, Galerie Luise and the Kröpcke Centre are in the immediate vicinity and offer an exceptional variety of shopping opportunities in all weathers. At the junction with Georgstraße, which is considered the main artery of the city centre, it connects the imposing Anzeiger high-rise at Steintor with Aegidentorplatz.


Hanover shopping arcadeChristian Wyrwa


Georgstraße, named after George III, who was King of both Great Britain and Hanover from 1814 to 1820, is a real promenade. Directly opposite the classicist opera house, it attracts visitors with its exclusive shops and boutiques. For generations, Hanoverians have met here on summer Sundays for a relaxed stroll, also known as the "Schorsenbummel".

Visit Hannover - Shopping

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30159 Hannover

Opening hours

There are no opening hours at this location. A visit is possible at any time.