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Silver LakeLars Gerhardts

Silver Lake

The Silbersee in Langenhagen is a paradise for bathing enthusiasts. Created during the construction of the motorway, the ten-metre-deep lake is popular not only because of its long sandy beaches, but also because of the wide range of recreational opportunities. The Silver Lake is allegedly named after its shiny water.

Silver LakeLars Gerhardts

In addition to bathing fun, the facility also offers barbecue areas, jetties and long sandy beaches. The infrastructure is well equipped with toilets, showers and changing rooms, while playgrounds, mini-golf and various sports activities provide variety. The StrandAlm directly on the lake provides refreshments for the day at sea.

StrandAlm at the Silbersee

The DLRG guards the beach at weekends and during school holidays so that visitors can feel safe. During the bathing season, they can orientate themselves by the hoisted DLRG flag. In addition, there is a dog beach and designated dog-walking paths for four-legged friends. There are plenty of parking spaces available. Some areas are reserved for anglers. The reed zones of the lake serve as retreats for water birds and other animal species.

Silver LakeLars Gerhardts

Silver Lake is therefore the ideal place to relax in the sun, swim in the clear water and enjoy a variety of activities. A place that provides water fun and relaxation.

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This location is here:

Bothfelder Straße 60
30851 Langenhagen

Opening hours

There are no opening hours at this location. A visit is possible at any time.