Wandertooth (Canada) 
"The Red Thread is a brilliant idea, and I wish more cities would adopt it. It's actually a painted red line in Hannover's city centre that will take you past 36 of the city's best attractions. At each attraction, there's a number painted on the thread that corresponds to a number in Hannover Tourism's Red Thread Guidebook.
The red thread is a brilliant idea and I wish more cities had one like it. It's actually a painted red line in Hanover's city centre that takes you to 36 sights in the city. Each sight has a number painted on the thread that corresponds to the number in the Red Thread booklet.
Stijlmeisje (Netherlands)
"One of the nicest things of Hannover is that the city is surrounded by nature and a lot of recreational options are available very close by."
One of the nicest things about Hannover is that the city is surrounded by nature and has many Leisure facilities are available in the immediate vicinity.
Maschsee: A beautiful spot on earth where everyone gets their money's worth. Here you can relax by the water and unwind, or you can go for a jog or inline skate and let go of the stress of the day and enjoy the great view.
Justyentl (Belgium) 
"Het vuurwerk in de Herrenhausen Gardens was magisch, net als de plaats waar we vertoefden."
The fireworks in the Herrenhäuser Gardens was magical, as was the place where it took place.
Style Nomads 
The greenest urban spot in Germany with an urban forest that makes Central Park look like the leafy island of a roundabout.
Håndbagage (Belgium) 
"French-American artist, Niki De Saint Phalle, has a shopping promenade named after her, in Hannover. Her world famous Nanas can be found beside the river Leine. And she designed the grotto in Herrenhäuser Gärten. A truly unique place to be!
The French-American artist, Niki De Saint Phalle, has a shopping promenade named after her in Hanover. Her world-famous Nanas can be found next to the Leine. She also designed the Grotto in Herrenhäuser Gardens - a truly unique place!
Travellifestyle (Netherlands) 
Linden: dé wijk van studenten, street art en hippe tentjes. Muren beschilderd van top tot teen, biertjes van de kiosk drinken op straat en een bijzondere bioscoop. De groovy sfeer in deze wijk is zeker het omfietsen waard.
Linden, the hip district for students and street art, where walls are painted from head to toe and people drink their beer at the kiosk. The groovy atmosphere in this area is definitely worth it.
Travelboulevard (Belgium) 
"Bovenop de uitwijkplatforms heb je een prachtig 360° panorama over Hannover."
From the dome of the New Town Hall you have a magnificent 360 ° panoramic view over Hannover.
Mooistestedentrips (Netherlands) 
Hannover is one of the biggest cities in Germany, but is not as popular as Hamburg and Berlin. Jammer eigenlijk, want er is genoeg te beleven in Hannover - Maak je een stedentrip Hannover, sla deze bezienswaardigheden dan niet over.
Hannover is one of the largest cities in Germany, but not nearly as popular as Hamburg or Berlin. It's a shame really, because there's a lot to experience in Hannover - so take a holiday in Hannover and don't just drive past it!
Urbaaniviidakkoseikkailijatar (Finland) 
Matkan viimeinen paikka ja samalla suurin yllättäjä oli Hannover, josta olin kuullut enemmän pahaa kuin hyvää. Me löysimme kaupungista sen kaikkialta etsimäni Berliini-fiiliksen, sopivan rosoisuuden ja boheemiuden.
The last place of the round trip and at the same time the biggest surprise was Hanover, because I heard more bad things than good. In the city we found the Berlin feeling I had been looking for again, befitting roughness and bohemianism.