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Cycling in the Hannover Region

Cycling in the Hannover Region

The adventure awaits - get pedalling and explore the varied region around Hanover. It goes past Monasteries and lush green meadows in the Calenberg countryhigh up and through dense forests in the Deisterand mystical moments also await you in the Moors to you. 

If cycling is not enough for you, you can steinhuder sea jump into the cool water or relax in the horse region swap your bike for a pony: In our region (almost) nothing is impossible! In total there are 15 different regional routesand also the Green Ringwhich circles the state capital, takes you to ever new and interesting destinations. 


Here is a little foretaste:
Eine junge Frau fährt mit dem Fahrrad entlang der Nanas am Leibnitzufer.
Lars Gerhardts
Hanover City Sightseeing Cycle Tour

Start your 24-kilometre discovery tour directly from the
main station to Hanover's Top sights. The route leads through the
Eilenriede city forest, past the Adventure Zoo and the Bischofshol beer garden -
perfect for the first break.

Continue to the Döhrener Turm, Maschseestadium, Ihme and
the lively neighbourhood linden trees. Cross the Sleeping Beauty Bridge to reach the
Herrenhäuser Gardens with large garden, water art, Wilhelm Busch Museum,
Leibniztempel and the banks of the River Leine with Nanas by Niki de Saint Phalle. The New
Town hall with the arched lift offers a panoramic view, and the tour ends with the
Stock exchange, shopping and opera house on the Tourist information. Numerous
Breaks invite you to take a breather or stop for a bite to eat. Look forward to
an entertaining discovery tour!

Bündelweise orangene und lilane Möhren mit viel Grün liegen auf einer weißen, hölzernen Transportkiste.
©Pixabay | Swabianmedia
The farm shop routes

The farm shop routes combine shopping with a cycle tour. Around the Burgdorfer Holz, the Calenberg country and around the steinhuder sea you can combine a trip to the countryside with shopping for regional produce on a farm shop route. Quality, origin and freshness are good reasons for more and more people to buy their food directly from the farm. Here you can buy fruit and vegetables, soups, jams and so much more from the region.

Ein lächelndes Paar fährt mit dem Rad durch den dicht bewachsenen Deister. Im Hintergrund blitzt die Sonne durch die Baumkronen.
Christian Wyrwa
Cycling through the Deister

Barsinghausen and its districts are located on the northern slope of the Deister and are ideal starting points for your cycle tours and can be easily reached by public transport. The Deister crossing is challenging, but doable with good gears. The two Forest restaurants Nordmannsturm and Annaturm are perfect for a short break. Those with sporting ambitions can climb the Bullerbach valley. If you are more interested in the history of the Deister, we recommend a detour to the Visitor mine Klosterstollen with mine railway rides deep into the mountain. And don't forget to see the local animals in the Bison enclosure jump to visit - because the wolves are howling in the small Deister!

The Deister roundabout

If you can't get enough of the Deister can get, we recommend
the Deister roundabout. Over 80 kilometres, the route connects the towns of
Springe, Wennigsen, Barsinghausen, Bad Nenndorf, Rodenberg and Bad Münder and
is divided into four sections of equal length. Here you pass through
Scenically and culturally diverse areas with manors and monasteries,
resort flair and relics from the mining and glass industries.

Zu sehen ist ein Moor in der Nähe von Hannover. Im Vordergrund sieht man wildes Wurzelwerk und Gräser. Im Hintergrund spiegeln sich kleine Birken im blauen Wasser.
Lars Gerhards
The North Hanover Moor Route

Various hiking and cycling trails make the Moore north of Hanover. The longest of these is the themed cycle path "from moor to moor", which is a good 100 kilometres long. This connects all seven moorland areas in four stages. It starts in the more urban landscape of the Altwarmbüchen Moor, passes the Oldhorster Moor and heads out into the rural area around Resse with the most ecologically valuable moors of the Nordhannoversche Moorgeest nature conservation project. The highlight of the last two stages is the moorland on the steinhuder sea.

Mitten im Steinhuder Meer liegt die mit alten Bäumen bewachsene Insel Wilhelmstein. Auf Ihr befindt sich eine Festung und kleinere Steinhäuser, direkt am Ufer des Sees.
Hans F. Meier
Cycling around the Steinhuder Meer

The area around steinhuder sea has numerous opportunities for you, with scenic highlights such as the sea marsh meadows and the Moors points. There are various routes from 10 to 60 kilometres to choose from, and you can easily hire bikes on site. The circular tour around the Steinhuder Meer is particularly popular, showing you a variety of landscapes and interesting places. In the Tourist-Info you will receive all the information you need: You have the option of organising individual tours or going on exploratory tours with local cycling guides.

Ein Fahrradfahrer fährt auf das Ihme-Zentrum zu. Neben ihm auf einer Wand sind viele bunte Graffitis
Christian Wyrwa
The Bike Citizens app

The Bike Citizens app offers customisable navigation for the
Hanover Region and provides 1,000 kilometres of leisure routes. Users can
Record your rides, generate a heat map and earn bonus points for the Bike
Collect benefit campaign. The app supports the regional administration in
Improvement of the cycle path network by identifying weak points and
the analysis of traffic data. Optionally, anonymised traffic data can be
network optimisation. Campaigns run from 22 April to 31 April.
October 2024.

Cover picture ©Lars Gerhardts

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