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Viajenaviagem (Brazil)

Viajenaviagem is a Brazilian travel blog that provides tips for travelling routes, among other things. Ricardo spent a day visiting Hanover.


Ricardo Freire from Viajenaviagem worked in an advertising agency in Brazil until 2004. On 30 December 2004, he founded a content website as editor-in-chief, where he recommends travel routes, hotels, restaurants and tours. He was in May 2014 visited Hanover and recorded his experiences on his blog.

Click here for the blog post: www.viajenaviagem.com

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In the PERLE

Am Küchengarten 11A, 30449 Hanover, Germany

Conti Campus (Leibniz University Hannover)

TIB Conti-Campus, Königsworther Pl. 1B, 30167 Hanover, Germany

Hanover Kiosk

Karmarschstraße 40, 30159 Hanover, Germany

metavier - Gallery of the beginning and the end

Minister-Stüve-Straße 14, 30449 Hanover, Germany

Hanover Coffee Manufactory

Kramerstraße 25, 30159 Hanover, Germany


Winkelstraße 1, 30559 Hanover, Germany

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